Dows Lake Ottawa ROOM RENTALS
 Part of the WGT / Beacon Residences & Peace Centers Now Going Global    Executive Style and Services At Discounted Rates
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International High School Students - 
Glebe Collegiate Institute Student Program
   If you want to live across the street from Glebe Collegiate Institute as an International High School Student, with a healthy meal plan and a family support structure, then you have found your ideal destination. Led and founded by an international scientist, professional, businessman and author, the GCI International Student Program has no rivals. World leading guidance, pleasant surroundings, exceptional tutoring and scholastic guidance, and, a chance to learn about Ottawa and Canada through truly expert lenses.

   And the rates for qualified international high school students are remarkable, and well under $1,100.00 per month with 
Guardianship, Educational Support, 
Healthy Living and Eating.  Live in 
family setting and 
immerse while enjoying the cultural exchange between families. 

   Winston George Tannis opens his Glebe Residences to diligent and inquisitive students, with expertise in family life and as a member of the Global, Global Scientific, American Business, and American Who's Who, among other awards and status with two Lifetime Achievement Awards recently received (2017 & 2018).  And as a legendary GCI Graduate or Distinguished Alumni member.

  Winston is not just an expert in family life, as sociologist, philosopher, jurist and social scientist, but he cares for his mother at his Residences, and provides a model for family life within Canada. This offers the international student another glimpse of Canada, with truly compassionate support. And his professional and educational support services are legendary and globally recognized: see, and,

  He has welcomed, encouraged and worked with students from Spain, Brazil, China, India, Hong Kong, Toronto, Cote D'Ivoire, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Vietnam, Germany, France, Japan, Lebanon, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Montreal, Mauritius, Tanzania, Burundi, Vancouver, Gabon, Switzerland, Poland, the Ukraine ... sharing his unique insights into intellectual and professional life, with Internship possibilities and grants for his live-in students (via The Winston George Foundation Global).  A chance for your child to live, learn, grow and excel with compassionate and family oriented values.

  Professor Tannis organizes field trips to the National Museums & Galleries, the National Arts Center, the major areas of the Greater Ottawa Area, the two major Ottawa Universities, Montreal, Toronto, Kingston, Quebec City, the Village of Manotick, Lac and Mont Ste Marie ... the Supreme Court of Canada and Parliament HillGatineau Park, the Chateau LaurierLandsdowne Park, and based on the student's interests and aspirations.  

  He is the consummate Canadian and North American, fluent in both official languages and a world renown Canadiana and North Americana expert, who shares his knowledges with generosity of spirit. Some believe he should be the Prime Minister of Canada or the President of the USA. Come live with the Great Professor and Scholar, and natural successor to both Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell. It is a family experience and an enriching one for mind and body, and ultimately - an exchange between respectful families.